Upon bootup, everything seemed OK until I tried to access the web pages on one of the zones. Checking svcs -xv, I saw that the local filesystem was down! That's not good!
While troubleshooting, it occurred to me that the global is reporting snv_130 and zlogin to a zone is reporting snv_101a. Oops. Just a little outdated.
I looked around for how to get them into sync, and ran across this article.
The solution is actually quite simple. It takes *forever* so I really wish I would have checked the time for you before I started. The basic jist of it is:
# pfexec zoneadm -z MYZONE halt
# pfexec zoneadm -z MYZONE detach
# pfexec zoneadm -z MYZONE attach -u
At first, I forgot the '-u' and it came back and told me it was out of sync and reminded me to try again with -u.
root@serveris:~# zoneadm -z eoti.org attach -u
Log File: /var/tmp/eoti.org.attach_log.voaWef
Global zone version: entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.130:20091219T044839Z
Non-Global zone version: entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.101:20081204T010954Z
Publisher Check: Zone preferred publisher does not contain
Publisher Reset: Copying preferred publisher from global zone.
Updating non-global zone: (Stage 1). Output follows
Creating Plan
ERROR: Could not update attaching zone
Oops, now what? At first I started looking online at things like Bug 13190... Then I realized I was missing the obvious...
Log File: /var/tmp/eoti.org.attach_log.voaWef
hmm, ok, so what does it say?
root@serveris:~# cat /var/tmp/eoti.org.attach_log.voaWef
[Monday, January 4, 2010 8:08:03 PM PST] Log File: /var/tmp/eoti.org.attach_log.voaWef
[Monday, January 4, 2010 8:08:07 PM PST] Attaching...
[Monday, January 4, 2010 8:08:07 PM PST] existing
[Monday, January 4, 2010 8:08:07 PM PST]
[Monday, January 4, 2010 8:08:07 PM PST] Sanity Check: Passed. Looks like an OpenSolaris system.
Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'os-dev' from one
of the following origin(s):
The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
contains package data for: opensolaris.org.
To resolve this issue, correct the origin information provided for
publisher 'os-dev' using the pkg set-publisher subcommand, or re-add
the publisher using the correct name and remove the 'os-dev'
To re-add this publisher with the correct name, execute the following
commands as a privileged user:
pkg set-publisher -P -g http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ opensolaris.org
pkg unset-publisher os-dev
Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'os-dev' from one
of the following origin(s):
The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
contains package data for: opensolaris.org.
To resolve this issue, correct the origin information provided for
publisher 'os-dev' using the pkg set-publisher subcommand, or re-add
the publisher using the correct name and remove the 'os-dev'
To re-add this publisher with the correct name, execute the following
commands as a privileged user:
pkg set-publisher -P -g http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ opensolaris.org
pkg unset-publisher os-dev
pkg: The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in the current catalog.
Try relaxing the pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:
This may seem odd to most of you... but I had the default opensolaris package repository AND the dev repository setup at one point; so it was getting confused. I followed the instructions (the pkg set-publisher and pkg unset-publisher) then retried the attach...
root@serveris:~# zoneadm -z eoti.org attach -u
Log File: /var/tmp/eoti.org.attach_log.4kaGTgYay!
Global zone version: entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.130:20091219T044839Z
Non-Global zone version: entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.101:20081204T010954Z
Publisher Check: Zone preferred publisher does not contain
Publisher Reset: Copying preferred publisher from global zone.
Updating non-global zone: (Stage 1). Output follows
Completed 121/121 19959/19959 125.0/125.0
Removal Phase 5811/5811
Install Phase 15876/15876
Update Phase 12076/12076
Indexing Packages 122/122
Updating non-global zone: (Stage 2). Output follows
No updates necessary for this image.
Updating non-global zone: Zone updated to entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.130:20091219T044839Z
Attach complete.